Monday, April 18, 2011

Top 5 best movies (Podcast)

Newspaper article

Newspaper and Online news comparison

The AJC newspaper gave out a lot of information from beginning to end. I guess because it only has one chance to tell its audiences what happened, it tried to give as much information as possible. The article on the AJC also had better pictures that showed the turmoil of what happened.
The online information from the New York Post was more specific. It focused on the death toll. Every start of a new stanza, there was new information that caught your eye whether it was dealing with numbers or had something to do with a death toll. It also had more quotes than the newspaper story did. The online segment had more information because it was online so you could update more information than you would be able to on the physical newspaper. It hopped from one topic to the next. It was also able to paint of picture of what was happening rather than just telling the story.
On yahoo, it talked about the death toll for the most part. It also talked about predictions for other cities and states and how they need to be expecting some drastic weather. It had link options where you could share the story on facebook as well as other sites. It also gave readers the option to comment on the story after they read it. It talked more about the recovery rather than the death toll.